Welcome to Hsuan Hua Foundation
To undergo hardship is to put an end to it. To enjoy blessings is to use them up.
凍死不攀緣 餓死不化緣 窮死不求緣
Freezing to death, we do not scheme. Starving to death, we do not beg. Dying of poverty, we ask for nothing.
一念不生全體現 六根忽動被雲遮
When not a single thought arises, the essential nature is fully revealed. When the six sense faculties suddenly move, it is covered by clouds.
心清水現月 意定天無雲 心平百難散 意定萬事吉
The moon appears in the waters of a pure heart, there are no clouds in the sky of a calm mind. When the heart is at peace, all problems go away. When the mind is still, the myriad things are in harmony.
True happiness is to be content and not seek anything. In contentment, you have not a single care.
真認自己錯 莫論他人非 他非即我非 同體名大悲
Truly recognize your own faults. Don’t discuss the faults of others. Others’ faults are just my own. To be one with all is called great compassion.
眼觀形色內無有 耳聽塵事心不知
The eyes see forms, but there is nothing inside. The ears hear sounds, but the mind does not know.
Education is a nation’s best defense. / Education is the most fundamental way to protect the country.
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